RabbitMQ Functions ====================================== Tasks for managing vhosts, users and configurations for RabbitMQ. .. function:: rabbitmq_command(command) This is a simple way to execute a ``rabbitmqctl`` command on the remote server similar to the :py:func:`service_command`. .. function:: create_user(username, password) Creates a new RabbitMQ user with the given name and password. .. function:: create_vhost(name) Creates a new vhost on the remote RabbitMQ server. .. function:: set_vhost_permissions(vhost, username, permissions='".*" ".*" ".*"') Grants the given permissions to the user on the given vhost. By default all permissions are granted. .. function:: upload_rabbitmq_environment_conf(template_name=None, context=None, restart=True) Uploads the RabbitMQ environment configuration to ``/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf``. This looks for a template named ``rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf`` if the ``template_name`` is not given. A default for this template is not given. .. function:: upload_rabbitmq_conf(template_name=None, context=None, restart=True) Uploads the RabbitMQ configuration to ``/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config``. This looks for a template named ``rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config`` if the ``template_name`` is not given. A default for this template is not given.